Saphira, Queen of the Skies, as imagined by Christopher Paolini himself!
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Final New Add-On! Project-exclusive enamel pins!
4 months ago
– Wed, Nov 20, 2024 at 12:17:08 PM
Hey all! I'm back with new stuff for you guys one final time before we hopefully get to introduce the bust!
Our own Heather Shields has been working for 2 weeks now to create a bunch of awesome enamel pins for you guys, all of them completely exclusive to this project! That means you won't be able to get them anywhere else once we fulfill this campaign (and probably well before that)!
Barring unforeseen production complications, all these pins are hard enamel, and will have two or more or more posts on the back for secure attachment, which will be capped with locking jewelry clutches (the best type of clasps you can get commercially, as far as we know)! Those that have the space on the back will also feature an enamel backfilled logo, which is a neat extra not a lot of pin producers do!
First off is a traditional 3-pin Pin Pack, featuring an awesomely-designed WORLD OF ERAGON plaque, "SAPHIRA" in human runes atop the dragon illustration from the coin (original dragon illustration by Christina Hassan), and Zar'roc aflame!
Each of these pins will measure between 1.5" and 2" (~3.81 cm and ~5.08 cm) at their widest, and the price of the entire pack is $40 +s/h ($5 discount if we sold them individually!)
(Also, there's a secret hidden among these pins... Can you find it? 😉)
LEFT: WORLD OF ERAGON plaque, RIGHT: "SAPHIRA" in human runes, TOP: Zar'roc aflame!
Second is a gorgeous, oversized bust pin of Saphira herself! Measuring around 3.5" (~8.89 cm) from top to bottom, this oversized pin is highly detailed and exquisitely colored down to the shadows of her horns. It will feature at least four posts on the back and the fancy locking jewelry clutches! The price of this oversized bust of Saphira is $35 +s/h!
Oversized Saphira bust pin!
While the WORLD OF ERAGON pin pack and oversized Saphira pin are $40 and $35 each + individual s/h, you can pick ALL of them up with our 'ALL THE PINS' COMBO PACK for $70 and reduced s/h! That's $5 in flat savings, and more dependent on your shipping region!
Thank you all who pick anything up!
While a project is live you can adjust your pledge by visiting the project page and clicking the “Manage your pledge" button. On the following page, select "Change your pledge".
From here, you’ll be able to adjust your pledge amount or switch to a different reward tier (changing reward tier will automatically update your pledge amount). Additionally, you’ll have the option to add any add-on rewards (even if you don't switch reward tiers), or give a little extra with bonus support.
The process is different for iOS and Android, so please check the Kickstarter guide here:
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! We're expecting to unlock the Saphira Bust Add-On soon, so we'll be in touch!
Getting closer to that 1mil every daaaaay!
New Add-On! Traditional watercolors of Saphira. Every one a unique art piece!
4 months ago
– Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 08:29:49 AM
Hey all! Bryce here!
As promised, Wraithmarked is working hard on adding cool content to the campaign to help us reach that $1mil final Stretch Goal and that bust! As I've said before, my two criteria for adding things last minute like this had to be that add-ons are still top-quality despite being added late and produced by artists that we trust to fulfill.
So with that in mind, I'm super pleased to announce our most recent new addition that Christopher and I are both thrilled about! One-of-a-kind paintings of Saphira by Daniel Govar.
Two test samples approved by Christopher!
Wraithmarked has worked with Daniel on many projects over the years, with stupendous results every time! He's upped the ante on these Saphira illustrations however! Each illustration:
is a unique hand-painted black-and-white watercolors of Saphira.
measure 7"x10" (~17.8x26cm).
uses India Ink on hot press 100% cotton Arches Paper.
detailed in gold mica paint, meaning it actually shines as well as foil!
To be very clear, no two of these illustration are alike, and these are not scans. These are traditional paintings that Daniel Govar will be hand-creating likely every work day for the next year in preparation for fulfillment towards the end of 2025 if we're lucky!
Closer look! Check out the gold paint texture!
This add-on is limited to 500 paintings. Any more than that and Daniel is likely to have to push deliver well into the future. They are priced at $250+s/h ($5 US / $10 non-US), and any slots we have leftover will likely increase in price post-campaign.
This is a unique opportunity to own official traditional WORLD OF ERAGON art, as approved my Christopher Paolini himself! We hope many of you will be excited to hear about this add on, and that those who can will take advantage of it!
PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately, these paintings cannot be customized to requests. That would complicate things immensely, resulting in a much higher price point, so sorry 😞
Also, as always, please don't break your wallets! We understand that $250 is a lot of money, so please per certain you are comfortable making the purchase before doing so!
While a project is live you can adjust your pledge by visiting the project page and clicking the “Manage your pledge" button. On the following page, select "Change your pledge".
From here, you’ll be able to adjust your pledge amount or switch to a different reward tier (changing reward tier will automatically update your pledge amount). Additionally, you’ll have the option to add any add-on rewards (even if you don't switch reward tiers), or give a little extra with bonus support.
The process is different for iOS and Android, so please check the Kickstarter guide here:
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! We have one more new add-ons planned before the end of the campaign, so we'll talk again very soon!
Cheers all, and onward to 1mil, we hope!!
PS: Just a reminder that we have 50 new slots open now for a hand-painted minature! Pricing has increased slightly to $1350, but they are available if anyone missed out on the first round!
750k+!!! Also a note about busts, and a project we wanted to shout out!
4 months ago
– Mon, Nov 11, 2024 at 07:57:47 AM
Hey yall! Bryce here! It's a holiday in the US, so I'm the only one online today! Meaning today... I HAVE ALL THE POWER, MWAHAHAHA.
Lol. Anyways, we cracked $750k USD over the weekend!! HOLY COW PEOPLE! Growth has certain slowed now, but that's very normal for Kickstarter projects, and even then our day-to-day is INCREDIBLE.
On that note, we are well on the way to 1mil, and I have two things I wanted to let people know about the armored busts in case we do manage to get there!
First, while I had commented that we are going to try to make the busts $40+s/h if we could, unfortunately they are likely to be $50 or $60+s/h, I'm sorry 😣 The tooling quotes for the injection molds are way more than we expected because of the intricacy of the armor, making her more expensive than we anticipated to produce.
We're also gambling on her cost as is, since we will need 2000 orders of the bust to break even...
Second, I wanted to ensure people that if we manage to crack 1mil in the last possible minute, we will ensure you have a clear and easy chance to purchase the armored bust (or a pair) during the survey post-campaign.
Those of you familiar with Kickstarter know that there is often a big rush of funds at the end of a campaign, and I didn't want anyone heartbroken if we carck 1mil the last day and they think they "miss" the chance to add the bust.
Let me know if you have any questions below!
Occasionally Wraithmarked likes to shout out projects we think deserve extra eyes, and today we'd like to shoutout Rosemary Valero-O'Connell'sCARMILLA, produced by Beehive Books!
A rapturously illustrated art book edition of the vampire saga that inspired DRACULA!
Three editions to choose from at all price points, including STANDARD, NUMBERED, and LETTERED!
Amazing addition for any shelf, so if it interests you, you can hop over to Beehive Book's campaign and help bring it to life!
NOTE: Wraithmarked is not partnered on this project, and will not profit off any sale of the book. Also, Beehive Books did not ask for additional coverage. Wraithmarked reached out to them.
Finally, Wraithmarked always also backs every project we recommend, something we're able to do through the support of our amazing backers like you guys! Proof below, and cheers all!